Dancin’ in the Dark, or Dancer.

It's a little-known fact that just about every state horse council is pro-slaughter. What, you say! Yes, it's true! In 1971, equine slaughter was defunded in the United States. Not actually outlawed, but rather just defunded. That meant that no USDA inspectors were at the domestic equine slaughterhouses, which meant they can't operate. Every year it’s a renewed battle to keep it that way. Because this was such a controversial topic most state horse councils just shoved it under the rug, never changing their bylaws.  

However, in recent years SHEW's home state of Maryland had the first horse council to take a hard look at this and bring it to a member vote. Of course the vote was a resounding NO to the slaughter of American horses. Slaughter is by no means humane euthanasia!

The alternative would be to support a legislative bill known as Safeguard American Food Exports or SAFE act. Because in America we don't raise horses as a food product, they are treated with many carcinogenic and toxic drugs rendering the meat unsafe for humans to eat. Even fly spray, bute, banamine, and dewormer are among the many things food livestock cannot have. While we don't eat it commercially here for that reason, we do export approximately 80,000 horses a year to be processed in Canada and Mexico for consumption. That number is down from 150,000 so progress is being made!

The slaughter of American horses is not only bad for the horses but for the people who eventually eat them as well. 

But where would all the displaced horses go and what does this have to do with Dancer? Hold on, I’m almost to the good stuff! 

The state of Maryland where we proudly reside, has a fairly new innovative program known as the Maryland Equine Transition Service, or METS. This is a program where Maryland horse owners who can no longer care for their horses, regardless of their situation, can get help. Most regular rescues stay full and animal control has limited housing so often help can't be found. Even to humanely euthanize and remove a horse is very costly. Often people in crisis have no options but dealers, auctions, and killpens. 

METS is a network of rescues, farms, and private owners who have agreed to take, care for and  properly rehab, retrain, or do whatever might be needed; if they choose to rehome, sell, or adopt the horse out, it will be done responsibly. 

There is no pubic shaming, just a network of caring horse people who work to keep Maryland horses safe!   

So when the call went out about a Maryland thoroughbred farm in trouble, having to close their doors and sell off everything as well as find homes for 20 OTTBs, METS was there to assist in placing those horses. 

Having been on the ground floor of this program in its infancy and SHEW being one of the first members, we felt this was our time to step up for a METS horse! 

Dancer and the other OTTBs on this farm could have very easily run out of options and ended up in a horrible situation.

On first meeting, Dancer’s enormous presence at 17 hands and solid black was quite intimidating, but in a matter of minutes his gentle soul and kind heart came shining through. 

He is indeed a horse that deserves the very best of life. After a short racing career, it was obvious that the track wasn't the right place for him. He was returned to his home farm just to hang out and been occasionally ridden for pleasure. Now as a 12-year-old, he was in desperate need of a new home and new career. Once in SHEW's custody, Dancer quickly established a fan club of devoted admirers. He sailed through his quarantine stay, and was updated on vaccines, dental, and farrier care. Those things along with much-needed weight, returned him to the magnificent horse he once was. His floating gaits are something dreams are made of.

It didn't take long for beautiful Dancer to find the perfect home. Today his is the light of his adopters life. They enjoy riding, taking lessons together and just having a wonderful relationship.

Dancer is most definitely living his best life thanks to SHEW and METS

Because METS exists and rescues like SHEW and many others along with a wonderful community of caring horse people in Maryland, we can say we oppose horse slaughter and we have a viable humane alternative for thoroughbreds and all breeds of horses in need of homes!

And it's working! Dancer and so many others are living proof!