Since 2017, Safe Haven Equine Warriors (SHEW) has rescued over 50 horses and re-homed more than 40 horses through adoption and foster homes.
Sometimes our charge is to rescue and provide the last act of kindness, humanely when recovery is not possible. Thankfully, most horses are able to enter into rehabilitation, re-training, and eventually be carefully re-homed.
How do horses come to SHEW? We regularly outbid kill buyers (meat men) at livestock auctions who purchase horses to be resold across the borders in Canada and Mexico where they are inhumanely processed for human consumption and leather goods in foreign markets.
Each year over 20,000 American horses will end up on dinner plates in Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Switzerland, and Mexico. Most are healthy before starting the hazardous, virus-infected, injury-ridden journey through the hands of kill buyers, scam dealers, and auction houses. Once a horse is in the slaughterhouse pipeline, there is no return.
Another way we support humans and horses is by being a safety net for horse owners in crisis. Sometimes, death, injury, illness, or financial hardship puts an equine in harm’s way. We offer owner surrender free of trauma or fear.